Monthly wastewater rates for residents are based on the average amount of water used during the winter months or actual water usage, whichever is lower. This means, the more you conserve during the winter, the less your wastewater bill will be throughout the year!
To learn more, visit:
With lower temperatures and occasional rain, we encourage you to turn off your irrigation
system and water only when needed. As outlined in the Petaluma Municipal Code (Section 15.17.070), it is prohibited to irrigate landscape during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall. Thank you for doing your part to use water efficiently!
Tip #1 - Mulch Madness
The City’s free turf conversion program for residents and businesses who want to transform their thirsty lawns to a drought tolerant mulched landscape.
Tip #2 - Water-Wise House Calls
Schedule a free visit from a water conservation expert and get advice on how to save water at home and at work.
"Include quotes by experts in your post to add credibility." – SEO specialist
Tip #3 - Free Water Saving Devices & Supplies
Did you know that faucet aerators, hose-end nozzles, shower heads, toilet leak detection tablets, etc. are available through Petaluma's Conserve Program?
Tip #4 - Rebates
Rebates Available
High-Efficiency Toilets - Up to $150 per toilet
High-Efficiency Clothes Washers - $75 rebate
Pool and Spa Covers - Up to $200
Laundry to Landscape Greywater System - Up to $125
Tip #5 - How To Guides
How-To -Guides
Calculate Your Average Water Use
How to Read Your Water Meter & Check for Leaks
Tip #5 - Report Water Waste
Report non-emergency water waste like broken irrigation, overspray, run-off, etc. at
707-778-4507This first tip should be a juicy one. It’ll keep your readers with you.
Learn More
To take advantage of all that is available to you, visit: